Day 1, 29 April 2025
09:30 | Michael Carus nova-Institute Conference Opening |
Minister Mona Neubaur Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia Video message |
Innovation, Strategy and Policy |
Chairperson(s) Lara Dammer nova-Institute Christopher vom Berg nova-Institute |
09:40 | Michael Carus nova-Institute CCU in the Wider Context of Sustainability and Policy |
10:00 | Anastasios Perimenis CO2 Value Europe Progress of CCU Deployment in the EU Context |
10:20 | Esther Hegel Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials Certifying Sustainability: Frameworks for CO2-based Fuels and Materials Abstract |
10:50 | Anja Fink NRW.Energy4Climate Meta-Analysis of Current Scenarios on the Future role of CCU Abstract |
11:10 | tba tba |
11:30 | Discussion with all Speakers of the Session |
11:45 | Lunch Break & Networking |
Parallel Session |
Main Hall “Maternussaal” |
Green Hydrogen Production, Biogenic CO2 Sources and Carbon Capture
Chairpersons Achim Raschka nova-Institute Pia Skoczinski nova-Institute |
13:15 | Eric Rambech Endrava Sourcing Biogenic CO2 – Opportunities and Challenges Abstract |
13:35 | Jeremiah Dutton EIT InnoEnergy CarbFlex |
13:55 | Jarkko Toropainen Fortum Harnessing the Power of the Nordics: Fortum’s Unique Position for Boosting Electrification and Use of Sustainable Carbon Sources |
14:15 | Juliette Poupeney Revcoo CarbonCloud: The Revcoo Solution Abstract |
14:35 | Discussion with all Speakers of the Session |
Room “Adelheid” |
CO2 Utilisation Technologies I
Chairpersons Michael Carus nova-Institute Lars Krause nova-Institute |
13:15 | Basem Zakaria Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Biohybrid Fluidized CO2 Electrolysis for Enhanced Formate Production and In-situ Bioconversion to Valuable Products Abstract |
13:35 | Tom Wirtanen VTT Novel Electrosynthetic Pathways to Ethylene Glycol, Acrylic, Adipic and Glycolic acids: CO2 based C2-C6 Building Blocks for Sustainable Polymers Abstract |
13:55 | David Soane Carbogenesis Scalable and Profitable Carbon Utilisation Technology by Carbogenesis Abstract |
14:15 | Dorinde Kleinegris NORCE Norwegian Research Centre ALGAESOL: Sustainable Aviation and Shipping Fuels from Microalgae and Direct Solar BES Technologies Abstract |
14:35 | Discussion with all Speakers of the Session |
14:50 | Coffee Break & Networking |
Green Hydrogen Production, Biogenic CO2 Sources and Carbon Capture |
15:10 | Philipp Rothenberger Phlair Circularity, Enabled by Direct Air Capture (DAC) Abstract |
15:30 | Andy Gradel BtX energy Green Hydrogen from Biogas by Steam Reforming Abstract |
15:50 | Liv Reinecke RWE Generation RWE’s Hydrogen Activities: Enabling the Clean Energy Transition Abstract |
16:10 | Discussion with all Speakers of the Session |
Poster Pitch Session |
16:25 | Short Pitch Presentations of Poster Presenters |
Presentations of the Nominees for the “Best CO2 Utilisation 2025” |
Chairperson(s) Michael Carus nova-Institute Asta Partanen nova-Institute |
16:45 | Michael Carus nova-Institute Innovation Award Introduction |
16:55 | Anastasios Perimenis CO2 Value Europe |
17:05 – 17:55 | Presentations of the Nominees 1-6 |
18:05 | Online-Voting |
18:10 | Martin Lindmeyer Yncoris Innovation Award Ceremony |
18:15 | Networking with Local Beer and Poster Session |
20:00 | Gala Dinner |
Day 2, 30 April 2025
CO2 to Chemicals and Fuels |
Chairperson(s) Achim Raschka nova-Institute Pia Skoczinski nova-Institute |
09:10 | Peter Nieuwenhuizen Synata Bio Turning Waste Carbon into Low-Carbon Fuel and Circular Chemicals Abstract |
09:30 | Francesca Di Bartolomeo SINTEF Pioneering Sustainable CO2 Conversion to C3 Chemicals and High-Value Lipids for Feed and Food Applications Abstract |
09:50 | Doris Hafenbradl Electrochaea Power-to-Methane: Commercially-Ready Solution for Decarbonization and Energy Storage Abstract |
10:10 | Discussion with all Speakers of the Session |
10:30 | Coffee Break & Networking |
Parallel Session |
Main Hall “Maternussaal” |
CO2 to Chemicals, Fuels, Polymers and Materials
Chairpersons Achim Raschka nova-Institute Michael Carus nova-Institute |
11:00 | Vincent Peña Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions Germany Saving and Valorizing CO2 with the Lurgi MethanolTM Technologies by Air Liquide Abstract |
11:20 | Oliver Kuisle Celanese Low Carbon Intensity Methanol from Industrial CCU Abstract |
11:40 | Volker Sick Global CO2 Initiative A Life Cycle Assessment of Potential Pathways to Increase Sustainable Aviation Fuel Yields Through CO2 Upgrading Co-located with Corn Ethanol Production Abstract |
12:00 | Andreas Hartwig Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM NIPU and NIPUH: Polyurethanes made from Carbon Dioxide instead of Isocyanates Abstract |
12:20 | Sebastian Pohlmann UP Catalyst Critical Raw Materials from CO2: Sustainable Synthesis of Nanotubes and Graphite Abstract |
12:40 | Discussion with all Speakers of the Session |
Room “Adelheid” |
Advanced Research in CCU
Chairpersons Lars Krause nova-Institute Pia Skoczinski nova-Institute |
11:00 | Cristhian Molina Fernández University of Liége A Mobile CO2 Capture Pilot Plant at ULiège, Belgium Abstract |
11:20 | Albert Pujol Duran COWI and Aalborg University Direct Air Capture cost reduction and market development via process intensification. Establishing the DAC insetting concept Abstract |
11:40 | Cristian Torri Università di Bologna sopropyl Alcohol Production from CO2 with a new Direct Air Carbon Capture and Fixation (DACF) Approach: Results from Early Proof-of-Concept Investigation Abstract |
12:00 | Xin Tu University of Liverpool Plasma Catalysis for CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol Abstract |
12:20 | Mohamad Kanso Toulouse Biotechnology Institute Technical and Environmental Comparison of Diverse Valorization Routes of CO2 as Ethanol under a Simulation Approach Abstract |
12:40 | Discussion with all Speakers of the Session |
13:00 | Lunch & Networking |
CO2 Utilisation Technologies II |
Chairperson(s) Achim Raschka nova-Institute Pia Skoczinski nova-Institute |
14:30 | Mohammad Rezaei GIG Karasek Exploring the Functions of Electrocatalysts and Membranes in Advanced Technologies for Green Synthesis of Carbon Monoxide from Carbon Dioxide Abstract |
14:50 | Balázs M. Hepp eChemicals Scaling-up Low Temperature CO2 Electrolysis to Industrial Levels Abstract |
15:10 | Paul Jones Skylea SYKLEA No Water technology CO2 capture and Valorisation based on Algae tech Abstract |
15:30 | Philipp Arbter Colipi Exploiting Hydrogen-Oxidizing Bacteria as a Novel Biomanufacturing Platform for Production of Chemicals from CO2 Abstract |
15:50 | Monalisa Goswami TNO CO2 Electrolysis for Manufacturing of Materials: It All Circles Back to Energy! Abstract |
16:10 | Discussion with all Speakers of the Session |
16:25 | Achim Raschka & Pia Scoczinski nova-Institute Final Words and End of Conference |
16:30 | End of the Conference |