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Carbon Capture and Utilisation in a Renewable Carbon Economy – Session on Innovation, Strategy and Policy

CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2025

29-30 April 2025 – hybrid event (on site and online), Cologne, Germany

++  Final Program  ++ Call for Posters ++ almost 80 participants from 18 countries registered - 250 expected

Carbon Capture & Utilisation in a Renewable Carbon Economy – Session on Innovation, Strategy & Policy

Carbon Capture & Utilisation (CCU) enables the substitution of fossil carbon in sectors where carbon is needed, supports the complete defossilisation of the chemical and feedstock industries, creates a circular economy, reduces the emissions gap, promotes sustainable carbon cycles, fosters innovation, creates local value and stimulates job growth.

CCU is not just a carbon removal technology, the use of CO2 offers multiple solutions to pressing problems of our modern world and can support multiple Sustainable Development Goals if properly implemented. CCU needs more political recognition and support as its relevance as a central pillar for the transformation of the chemical and materials industry is not yet accepted, especially in Europe.

What is the current and future role of CCU in relation to sustainability and certification? What policy frameworks and incentives exist at international and European level to promote CCU? How can we implement a CCU value chain through innovative projects? Learn about the current state and future development of CCU from leading experts in the field: Session on Innovation, Strategy & Policy

Michael Carus


CCU in the Wider Context of Sustainability and Policy

Anastasios Perimenis

CO2 Value Europe

Progress of CCU Deployment in the EU Context

Esther Hegel

Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials

Certifying Sustainability: Frameworks for CO2-based Fuels and Materials


Anja Fink


Meta-Analysis of Current Scenarios on the Future role of CCU


Florian Kleinwächter

Holcim Deutschland

The Carbon2Business Lighthouse Project in Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein

The innovation award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2025“ honours innovative products and technologies that highlight the practical and impactful use of CO2. Participants can expect expert presentations, engaging discussions, and opportunities to connect with fellow innovators committed to advancing CCU technologies. The innovation award, sponsored by Yncoris and co-organised by CO2 Value Europe, is one of the highlights of the CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference. Six nominees will be selected by an expert jury beforehand, with winners chosen by the audience during the award ceremony on 29 April 2025.

Many thanks to YNCORIS for supporting the CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2025 as an Innovation Award Sponsor!

Many thanks to Holcim for supporting the CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2025 as a Silver Sponsor!

Many thanks to GIG Karasek for supporting the CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2025 as a Bronze Sponsor!

Many thanks to CO2 Value Europe for supporting the CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2025 as an Innovation Award Co-Organiser!

Call for Posters

Want to present a poster at the conference? You are welcome to present your latest products, technologies or developments. Deadline for submission: 21 March 2025
Submit your poster now!

Sponsoring Opportunities


Become a sponsor of the conference!


Join us as a sponsor and find a range of sponsoring options which provide you with maximum visibility and impact at the conference. We are open to new ideas and would be delighted to implement them with you. Please contact us if our sponsoring options appeal to you or if you would like to put forward a proposal of your own!

Key Account Management
Guido Müller


Exhibition Opportunities

Become an exhibitor of the conference!

Companies that would like to book an exhibition booth (6m2) can do so for the price of 3,000 EUR (excl. 19% VAT). Included in the booth fee is one conference ticket. The conference exhibition is located prominently within the conference hall so interaction with the participants is guaranteed. Further information here.

Conference Registration

You are welcome to register now! Registration fee is 1095 EUR (excl. 19% VAT) for both days and 745 EUR (excl. 19% VAT) for the virtual option.

We are looking forward to meeting you at the conference!

Your nova conference team